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Last day of school!
Friday, 24 October 2008 @ 1:02 pm

Yo twotwo-ian 07! (wow, thats long,haha!)

Yeah, no more school till next year! ^__^ Haha.
But still have to attend extra classes/camps/cca, etc. Well, i'm sure not all are satisfied with their results right? So lets work hard cause next year is already our important year as we will be sitting down for our N's! :D To those who did well for this end year, well done! :D Lets keep striving! Hoho!

Yesterday was our last day in school together for 2008. And all the 3NA who went up for prizes were all cheered by us! Must be thankful hah! Jkjk! We're happy for you guys! Haha!
Oh one more thing, we will be going for CIP together too! Meet ya'll soon!

I'm so excited for outings. But is there any? Lol :D
K I'm done with words, so now pictures!
Pictures of 3NA '08! I should say that this isn't a complete 3NA ):
But, yahhh! Just grab it if you want, people! :D
Pictures credit to Serinna & Afifah (:

Yours truly,
Hafizah :D

Tuesday, 21 October 2008 @ 10:18 pm

This blog is so dead man! D:

Well, Hi! -__-
Time flies real fastttt & we're getting older! Haha!
