Sunday, 23 December 2007 @ 11:41 pm
Ok. Hello All.
Oh ya, HAPPY BIRD DAY TO IVY LEE. LOLS. hahahah. k seriously nothing to do lah. and also, happy belated birthday to turtle. lols! ok.
and yeah, its too late for me to say Selamat Hari Raya Haji. but then well,
MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone! and a HAPPY NEW YEAR. oh ya, schools gonna start soon. 2nd jan is the day! hees. pack up ah pack up. k, mr toh is the form teacher of class 3/2. lols! and yeah, 3/2 is located at 4th floor, the old classroom. hehe. well, 3/3 is located at 3rd floor, 2nd class. hehe.
Class Timetable
Friday, 14 December 2007 @ 9:09 am
Good Morning!
It's been a long time since i nvr post. Haha. Nothing to talk about lah.
A few notices to take note of:
- Friday, 28 December 2007 - Next year's class timetable
Cheerios ^^
More pictures
Friday, 7 December 2007 @ 9:00 pm
Photos on our trip to Sentosa!
-Runs around in circlesYayness!
While waiting for the rest..
More came..
The place we took the tram into Sentosa.
Down the escalator.
Waiting for the tram.
Please zoom in to look at both of their facial expressions.
Zoom into YuXiu, her photos are all so unglam. :/
We played our Volleyball match here because there was no courts available :(
Gq and Eugene playing the vb..
More people started to join in..
We got a court and people joined in the match.
Girls versus guys.

In tram back to Vivo.
Acting shy.
Purple, red, purple. (Zoom to Siva's face, hehe!)
Discussing to get home by train or bus.. Some went back by train and some by bus.
Last but not least, Class photos! :D
Candid! Again again.

Slanted :/
Perfect! :D
with loves.
Thursday, 6 December 2007 @ 5:44 pm
Hello. Those pictures are for memory(: Haha. Enjoy aytes. I don't have the guys photos, so, sory. I only gt the girls one which is taken last yr..Whatever it is..Till here then. All photos are edited by me, Hafizah :DD