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Sunday, 30 September 2007 @ 11:10 pm

Hey 2/2!

This is your friendly classmate here! :D -rolls eye.

I'm here NOT to post anything on the class outing because the past few posts are all about our end of year class outing. -.- I'm here to post about(rolls drum).. EXAMINATIONS! :D :D :D

Okay, sorry for being so lame! Hehehehehe. Tomorrow is our English paper! Is everyone prepared? Hm(right eyebrown goes up & left eyebrown goes down).. I hope so! :D Hopefully everybody can be promoted to Secondary 3 NA next year(except Benjiamin.. Haha! Joking! :P)! :) Do work hard on your other papers too yeah!

C'mon, lets do it! We've got 2/2 spirit! 2/2 will do our best so c'mon, lets do it! :P Take care & good luck for your exams~! :D

Your friendly classmate :D

Sunday, 23 September 2007 @ 3:46 am

Hello 2/2-ians !
Alright , i will update something .
Um, i just wanna say that the groups ICs are changed .
Mr toh knows about it .
Firdiana changed with Elvis .
Hazimah changed with Dzulfikar .
So ya .
I am still not confirmed about it .
Group 4 leader is Afifah , not syifa .
ohkay , exams are cuming .
So study smart ya people !
Woah, so fast yeah ?
this friday is the fisrt ppr .
kk, take good care of urself .

byebye [HAFIZAH]

Friday, 21 September 2007 @ 6:33 pm

Finallised Groupings

` Brandon
` Min Wei
` Danish
` Sivaram
` Hun Ing
` Benjamin(Leader)

` Dinesh
` Eugene
` Melvin
` Jun Hong
` Guan Quan(Leader)

` Yu Xiu(Leader)
` Ivy
` Wan Ting
` Hui Ling
` Jasmine
` Jun jing

` Azlin
` Afifah
` Firdiana
` Nurul
` Syifa(Leader)
` Serinna

` Farishia (leader)
` Fatin
` Hazimah
` Hafizah
` Khairunnisa
` Putri

`Jun yu
`Long jie
` Zaki (leader)

Medics In charge
Shu Jun - Groups 3 , 4 and 5
Azmee - Groups 1 , 2 and 6

IC's In charge
Firdiana - Group 4
Hun ing - Group 1
Zaki - Group 6
Hazimah - Group 5

[If I have left out anyone please inform me or tell any other IC's ]

As for now please focus your attention on the on-coming exams and more will be discussed after the examinations, take care of yourself , and wish you all the best for the exams {Shu Jun}

Posted by,
Shu Jun & Azmee

Wednesday, 19 September 2007 @ 10:10 pm

good evening.

sorry for the late updates.

we shall welcome our new moderator, Shu Jun. He shall be moderating the tagboard and the post.

updates abt class outing later. changes is being made. thanks to the whole class that work well as a class. the groups has been finalised. some people are not in the group, we shall group them up. once again, thanks 2/2

study for EOY.

cheerios (:

Sunday, 16 September 2007 @ 5:50 pm

good evening.

came here to update abt the class outing.

Venue: Sentosa, *_________Beach
Date: 19 November 2007
Time: 12pm-8.30pm
Class Committee Members and Student Councilors be there by 10am for preparation.
Activities: Amazing Race, 4 Legged Race, Beach Volleyball, Beach Soccer, Campfire*
Attire: Home clothes with shorts or jeans.

Overall in Charge(OIC): Gan Zhiting
2Overall in Charge(2OIC): Mohamed Azmee
ICs: Shodiqin, Hazimah, Hun Ing, Zaki, Firdiana
Medics: Shu Jun(1-20)
*We have not put in charge everyone of our members. Updates more later.

Points to take note: We will not be BBQ-ing there. Everyone is suppose to meet at Harbour Front. Therefore, you shall be eating lunch there. Bring a minimum of $70. After eating at the Food Centre, proceed to Vivo City to buy tidbits. From there, you have 3 choices to reach to Sentosa.
1) Take the Sentosa Express from 3rd Floor, Vivo City
2) Walk back to Harbour Front Interchange and take the shuttle bus to Sentosa
3) Walk to Sentosa

Overall in Charge(OIC): Gan Zhiting
2Overall in Charge(2OIC): Mohamed Azmee
ICs: Shodiqin, Hazimah, Hun Ing, Zaki, Firdiana
First Aider: Shu Jun, Azmee
*We have not put in charge everyone of our members. Updates more later.

5 Groups of 8 people. Must have a mix of religion and sex.
*Please settle yr groupings by the next CE lesson. Give the names of yr group members and the name of the group. Pass it to Azmee.

More updates abt class blog later.
To all muslim students in the class, Selamat Menyambut Bulan Puasa.

- I don't think have.

Study hard for EOY. May you pass with flying colours.
We succeed only as we identify in life, or in war, or in anything else, a single overriding objective, and make all other considerations bend to that one objective.
Dwight D. Eisenhower, speech, April 2nd 1957
34th president of US 1953-1961 (1890 - 1969)